About Hayley
Hi, friends! Thank you for stopping by!
My name is Hayley Burchell, creator of Haus of Rise.
I'm a wife to my wonderful husband, and better half,
Duke Loren Burchell, mama to two incredible boys- Kai and Banx, and daughter of an inspiring, devoted mom and dad and in-laws. I love pursing the heart of God and helping others discover who He created them to be.
I'm passionate about all things motherhood, wellness, nutrition, non-toxic, sustainable living and have a deep desire to see and inspire wholeness from the inside out.
I'm overjoyed you are here! I invite you to learn, grow, connect, and discover with me how we can RISE ABOVE and make a difference to change the world.
My journey began with a passion for healthy living, fitness, and nutrition at an early age. When diagnosed with ADHD at the age of twenty. I knew that I needed to find holistic alternatives to my diagnosis in hopes of living a more balanced and peaceful life, but didn’t know how to find them. I underwent testing, consulted with medical doctors, and therapists, all to no avail. I was determined to educate myself and take proactive steps to heal my body and mind.
I started blogging back in 2016 and was formerly known as "Cate", co-founder of Cate and Ila, a motherhood and pregnancy lifestyle blog.
It wasn’t until my pregnancy with my first son, at the age of twenty-four, that I became committed to drastic diet and lifestyle changes. During this time, I sought out holistic forms of treatment from homeopathic doctors, along with the help of a knowledgeable and experienced nutritionist, Cheri Swanson to help guide me toward the path to healing.
Through a shift in my diet, I was able to obtain a clear mind, along with a healthy and energetic body. I was also able to achieve an overall balanced and happy mood, all without the use of medication. I found ultimate success by implementing natural ways of healing my body (and gut) in the form of whole foods, proper supplementation, essential oils, and other homeopathic medicinal practices.
This is what compels me to share the good news. Eager and motivated to make a difference, I now seek to educate and inspire others to live their best life.
I was born on October 4, 1987 in Newport Beach California. A tom-boy at heart with a girly side, I grew up playing competitive sports, traveling the world- thank you mom and dad- spending time at youth group, making friends left and right, and enjoying my summers at the beach...or should I say year round. As an only child, I always wanted brothers and sisters, but found other ways to entertain myself. I was blessed with two best friends on either side of the street where I lived. We would cruise down the strada in my Barbie jeep, play dress up and house, rollerblade behind our bikes, write plays and choreograph dances in our garage, create the world's best forts using all my mom's linens, and play countless hours of Super Nintendo and Donkey Kong. My amazing parents have been married 40+ years and have always been a source of strength for me. A deep sense of thankfulness and gratitude to them for loving and supporting me through everything- I love you!
My teen years...oh my teen years! With tons of fun and growing up, let's just say I hit a couple "rough patches" and learned about the importance of surrender, being honest with myself, forgiveness, and telling fear to kick rocks (still a work in progress)- thank you very much!
regret, breakthrough, & hope
After college and through my early twenties I encountered some very challenging seasons, both good and bad, and really began to ask myself WHO I was and what I wanted to do. At moments of feeling helpless and stuck, I continued in prayer asking for God's help and guidance. HE RESCUED me from the pit of despair and my own choices. He NEVER failed me. The only one I realized I was failing was myself. Although I believe failure is an event and not a person, I learned I have a choice- to choose wisely or to choose things that only have temporary satisfaction. In other words, I learned life is too short to sit in isolation and regret when breakthrough is just around the corner.
being a single mom...
Then on Thanksgiving of 2011, of all days, I found out I was going to be a mommy! Needless to say, my entire world was about to change...and for the better. Fast forward to July 31, 2012 when I fell in love with a little 18" 6 lb 6 oz little boy named Kai. My heart was forever shocked with the love of this tiny human. Kai-meaning ocean, rejoice, and messenger of God- came into my life at the perfect time to inspire me, challenge me, and overwhelm me with joy every day.​
Aside from all the joys of motherhood, the journey of the unplanned and unexpected pregnancy with a guy I was not married to, was filled to the brim with heartache, confusion, yet a sense of peace and purpose. Yes, they are oxymorons, but are the best descriptions of those 9 months and on.
The more challenging part of my journey thereafter includes being in a relationship with Kai's father- a drug addict, suffering emotionally and feeling alone, and at times not knowing up from down. Eventually, with more of God seeking and letting go, life as a single mama became much easier, and I began to trust God more with my future.
meeting duke & falling in love
Then one chilly December evening I met my forever man- Duke. And, oh my, did my heart skip a beat! Our love grew over seven months, and then Duke decided it was time to propose. On July 5, 2015, Duke Loren Burchell got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! We cried, we kissed, and only 4 months later, we were saying our "I dos" in beautiful San Jose del Cabo at Flora Farms with 150 of our closest friends and family. (Take a peak at our wedding on Green Wedding Shoes HERE. Never in a million years did I think I'd meet the most handsome man I've ever seen, get married in Mexico, have a wonderful daddy for Kai, AND buy a house all in eleven short months. God is good, oh yes He is!
And as it would turn out, Duke and I met briefly one year prior through a mutual friend. Previously engaged to another woman, and having no interest in me, I just thought he was um...drop dead gorgeous and unavailable! And yet to both our surprise the engagement was called off and only two months later, we met and God lit a spark. The rest is just a fairy tale.
Duke - my strong, smart, integrous, godly, quirky, quick-witted goofball of a husband is the most incredible man and father to Kai. It's not easy being an "INSTA-DAD"; however, Duke has so gracefully become "daddy" as though he has been there since day one with Kai. in July of 2017, Duke became a daddy for the second time, as we welcomed Banx to our family. I am so deeply blessed by the love and bond between all three of my boys and thank my husband from the bottom of my heart for loving Kai as his own just like Banx.
hope, healing, & encouragement
Ok, ok, there is more to the story with nitty gritty details, but I hope you have captured who I am in this short nutshell of a space, and I hope to share many things with you along this journey of blogging. My dream is to be a light and to inspire, encourage, offer support, and share advice along this journey.
Although we come from all different faiths, walks of life, struggles, and circumstances, I want you to know you are not alone. RISE ABOVE whatever it is keeping you in the same place, pray and speak positive encouraging words over yourself; remember, life is too short to stay stuck.
Hayley Burchell
"Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.